Tech Talks Today

Tech That I Love Everyday

I Love Everyday Tech Products, But Could I Live Without Them?

Alexandru Teodorovici


Photo by fabio on Unsplash

The 21st century of our era is the one that’s the most advanced when it comes to technology and technological enhancements. We are probably still very young in this domain, but one thing is for sure. The progress is evident, and what’s been accomplished in the last 20+ years has forever changed how the world works.

Smartphones, electric cars, high-speed Internet, 3D printing, regular space flights, new commercial flights, social media expansion,

e-commerce, renewable energy expansion, GPS, cryptocurrency, and I go on and on and on and on. There are so many invented things that I cannot even wrap my head around, or have the proper understanding to elaborate on them.

We live in a world that is full of possibilities, more than ever before. Technology has improved our lives, has made them easier to manage and more connected.

Today is about my view on it. The tech I need and use daily.

#1 The Big Surprise — The Smartphone.

I guess nobody expected this, it’s ok, I know you are surprised. Let’s be real, the smartphone was a turning stone in tech history.

Try to imagine yourself without your smart mobile device. It’s your phone, chat device, map, shopping device, entertainment console, book, banking clerk, photo camera, etc.

I feel like I am only enumerating things today. You can do so much with such a small and complicated device. I could not even imagine that would be possible when I was just a kid. Now, it is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine my life without a mobile device. Now, the real trick is to limit the usage of the smartphone. New age, new challenges, I suppose.

I love that I can connect with the people in my life, easily chat, quickly look for information or direction, do my shopping without wasting time in the shops, listen to music, and so on. Here I go with the enumeration again.

The data shows that 80% of the world’s population has a smartphone device, and it’s kind of hard to imagine everyone giving up on them, willingly. Unless there’s a massive solar flare that fries everything. Hopefully not. :)

#2 The Wire That Connects Everything — The Internet

The power of the world in the 21st century lies in the power of the Internet. At least, the power of the people.

My job requires an active Internet connection. My daily life requires an active Internet connection. I could live my life, for a while, at least without the Internet, but can’t really do my job without it.

Sure, disconnecting from the Inter-webs can be fun for a few days as it allows you to enjoy the scenery. After that, you have to get back into it.

For someone in IT, staying connected and up-to-date is very important. I am going to assume here that it is for billions of other people, for different reasons. Going on a limb here. :)

#3 The Fun One — Electricity

Don’t you hate it when you’re playing a game and the power cuts of?

By the way, get a UPS:

Electricity is not tech, not in the traditional way. However, it does one thing better than anything else. It makes this booming and connected world work. Could you live without it? I couldn’t.

Thanks, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, William Shockley, William Stanley Jr., Thomas Murray, and to all the other scientists, engineers, inventors, physicists, mathematicians that have made our world…electric.

#4 My Obvious One — The PC

Yeah, again, what a boring article. Another techie telling us about the fact that he uses a PC every day. Okay, I won’t tell you about it then, but know that I use it and that PCs are cool. Long live micro transistors.

#5 Nothing In Particular — Everything In Between

Of course, I have dozens of other tech articles and objects, tools, and gadgets, and I think they are exactly that, a gadget. Something that has a specific niche use but that you could live or manage without.

I won’t start an enumeration again, but you can think of them by yourself. How many tech products do you own? How many do you use, and how many are actually useful? Ignore the fridge, washing machine, car, stove, and here I go with the listing again.

I won’t be asking you what tech you love. I know you will say smartphone, but I am still curious what other technological advancements you find yourself using non-stop.

