Mind Wandering

Random Questions Day

Non-Existential Ones Included

Alexandru Teodorovici


There are no stupid questions, only wrong answers. I am sure somebody said that at some point, but right now, I just don’t remember who.

I was thinking of writing a few of them down, just so I can keep a note of them, and, who knows, maybe the Universe will have an answer for them.

In truth, most don’t even require an answer, as they are more food for thought than an actual question that requires a specific input or output.

Here’s a batch of 10, in no particular order.

Why are we so small?

You know…huge outer space, some might even call it infinite, and us. We like to think that we are in the middle of it all. Riiiiight.

Does it always have to be Monday?

Probably not, but it’s already set up that way, and there’s no point in changing it now. Hmmm…

What would you do if you didn’t remember about yourself?

Are you still you? Maybe you are someone new? Could you be better than you used to?

Live now or 1000 years in the past?

Is the answer that obvious? Are 99% of you going to choose the present? Where is your sense of adventure? No take-backs, no time machine, no second chances. Also, no dinosaurs, so you should be fine. Hehe!

Would you like to have the ability to live without food?

Someday, we might be able to survive using cosmic energy, or you know, nothingness.

If you were able to do it now, would you? Or would you miss the taste of food? Maybe we’re not at that point yet.

Uhh, look, cake. Yummm!

If you were the color blue, would you want to be red or yellow if given the chance?

Tough choices for everyone lie ahead, maybe even impossible outcomes.

Are you stuck in a loop?

If you are, then you are probably ly not going to see this question, sorry. If you do, then maybe you’ve managed to get out? Great?! Or was it a good loop? If so, sorry again.

Do you yell to relax?

Is there someone in your brain that tells you how loud? Or do you have a small electrician monitoring your neural electrical discharge? “Only 200 kJ left, give it some more gas, we’re almost there”.

How do you know the things that you don’t know?

There’s no one to tell you about them, and yet, your brain still knows. Is it magic?

Not being able to read or not being able to speak?

Would you like to either always stay on mute or never know how to read?

How many answers and questions have nestled into your head now?

