Tech Talks Today

More Than 3 Storage devices? Get a NAS!

Or Build a Server / Get Some Cloud Storage

Alexandru Teodorovici
4 min readSep 27, 2021
Photo by RealKina on Unsplash

There’s no time like the present to speak about the future of your data.

Some of us work with large amounts of data or have an extensive library of files, photos, videos, and other valuable documents.

Not too long ago, the solution would have been to add another HDD into your case, and you were all set. I did the same for a good number of years, by either adding or replacing disks. I needed Terabytes of free space.

It is such a nice feeling to see a new disk boot up, format it, and see the disk space blue bar be empty, if only for a few months.

That worked fine until it didn’t. At some point, I realized that I was limited, and adding storage to my PC was no longer viable.

The Cases

Computer cases come in all shapes and sizes, but as SSDs became more popular, most consumer cases come with 2 HDD bays for SATA mechanical drives and 1 or 2 spaces for SATA SSDs.

Cases that include four or more drive bays are now harder to find and are usually more expensive. Of course, you can still find a bunch, but the offer is not as plentiful as it once was.

Storage Devices

SSDs are great, but compared to HDDs, they are still a few times more expensive per Gb. If you only need to store data that you access once every few days or even less than that, then they are not worth it yet.

I still keep a mechanical drive in my PC alongside my SSDs, for that exact reason.


If you have a lot of data, either sensitive or personal, then a backup is crucial. Having lost data because I did not have it backed-up, made me a sad boy. I was a frustrated one also.

It just comes to show that you learn new things as you go through life. It also shows that if backups are standard practice and vital to a business in an Enterprise environment, so should personal backups be. Nowadays, in the digital world, what is more valuable than your data? Nothing (besides securing that data, but that’s another story, for another time).

The Options

Fortunately, there are a lot of options to help you get past all the problems I mentioned.

Buy Some Cloud Storage

The easiest and most accessible way is to input your card details and buy some storage in the Cloud. This is usually the most hassle-free method available. You don’t have to do any maintenance work or concern yourself with what needs doing in the background for the solution to function.

You have a variety of storage providers to choose from, each with its benefits.

My personal view is that this is a good off-site backup for a part of your files, maybe frequently used or critical ones.

The fact of the matter is it can get expensive if you go above 1 or 2 Tb of space. Most of the services have a monthly fee, some require yearly payments, and some even have permanent options.

Do the research, and see what fits best, if this is the option you are after.

Build a Storage Server

Let’s be honest from the start. This is the most expensive option if you are only thinking about upfront costs. It involves planning, research, preparation, and some IT knowledge. It will also require maintenance and will require power and an Internet connection.

On the other hand, it is also the most fun. You will be able to learn a lot of new things while doing it and improve your knowledge.

You will also be able to get more out of it. Besides using it as a storage server, you can also use it as a media server, web server, VM host, home automation controller, and much more.

A benefit of having your server is, of course, having permanent control of your data, with no 3rd parties involved.

You can read more about the benefits of having a home server here:

Get a NAS

Somewhere between the Cloud and your custom-built server is the Network Attached Storage.

They are less powerful devices, but require close to little maintenance and are ordinarily less expensive. Most of it is set up out of the box. Add your HDDs, and you are almost done. A great way to keep your data backed up and accessible on the network.

Ending View

I know that this will not apply to most of the users out there, but I think it is a fact more and more people won’t be able to ignore for long.

As technology has evolved, so have our needs. The data we store today is much larger than ever, and it will continue to grow. Where this is stored and how you keep it safe is up to you.

