Mind Wandering

A September Evening

Smiling Through The Night

Alexandru Teodorovici


The Sun had just gone after the hills, and the evening was young as it was only 8 PM. There was plenty of time to chill and relax after a long day.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

The air was pleasant. Not too hot, not too cold, just right. A refreshing Summer breeze was silently swooshing around. It was surprising, as it was towards the end of September.

A clear sky allowed Alex to have a clear look at the bright Moon. There were still a few days until the disc would be entirely visible, but even so, it was extremely vivid and big.

You could easily spend the entire night just admiring the celestial objects. If Alex only had a telescope, maybe next time.

Crickets and buzzers and all the night critters started to hum along and create an appropriate night setting.

Having finished his work around the house, Alex didn’t really want to go back inside. He always loved nights such as this, as he was able to relive his childhood summers evenings.

Back then, day-to-day worries were small and far between as he would play long into the night. He kind of misses all of that energy and still wonders how such tiny humans can generate such a large amount of enthusiasm.

Alex was smiling and was grateful when memories like this came back to him, as they showed him how many wonderful things a person can experience. It also revealed the fact that you don’t need much to have fun. As a kid, sometimes even a stick allowed you to create an entire adventure.

Alex returned to the present time after a few minutes of night-dreaming. He suddenly got an urge to sit on the porch and admire the city. However, he was missing somebody. A quick look around revealed that it was just him and the cat. The fluffy little animal was having a great time hunting crickets. Fun times for everybody.

He turned off the outside lamp and took a lighter to turn on the candle on the table. Ah, much better. He then got into the house to look for his wife.

Some noises were coming from the kitchen as Helen was finishing dinner. The timing was perfect. Alex quickly made his way to the kitchen and gave his wife a nice, warm hug from behind. Laughter popped up out of Helen as soon as she felt her husband. As she turned towards him, she was again surprised by a delicious kiss.

Once things “settled” and once their eyes met, there was nothing but love in their eyes. No matter how difficult the day would be, Helen and Alex would always return home to a house full of love.

After a deep breath, Alex said:

  • It is a beautiful night. Let’s go outside and sit for a while. The sky is clear, the city is bright, and you are amazing. I missed you, and I want to see how the stars reflect in your eyes. I can hold you in my arms, and you can caress me with your kisses.

Helen just leaned on Alex and smiled. That was a yes!

Alex grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. A minute later, they were out on the porch. Just in time to see the cat cuddle herself on the sofa. As she looked towards them while they were closing the door, one could see a smug smirk on the cat’s face. First come, first served.

Luckily, there was plenty of space on the sofa. Move over kitty, come on, come on.

Alex poured a glass of wine for each. The setting was now much more suitable. Beautiful sparkling stars, a wonderful view, a plush sofa, an amazing wife, and a happy husband. All was perfect in the world, at least in their corner of it.

Oh yeah, and a sleepy cat, let us not forget about the sleepy cat.

